
Uncover Hidden Sugars, Curb Your Cravings & Conquer Your Addiction

A science-backed, step-by-step plan to break free from the cycle of addiction and outsmart a food industry that hides sugar in plain sight.

Many people blame sugar cravings on a lack of willpower rather than acknowledge that the substance is highly addictive - even more so than cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol.

And the problem isn’t only dessert; sugar is everywhere - approximately 80 percent of products in supermarkets contain sugar. No wonder eliminating it feels impossible: the more added sugar a person eats, even unknowingly, the more likely they are to crave it.

In Sugarless, Dr. Nicole Avena teaches you how you can completely change your mindset around what you eat. You will no longer use food to soothe or reward yourself or be a victim of the addiction machine that our modern food environment has created. She will show you how to break away and to use food for what it is intended to be: fuel for your body.